Alessandra Pelagalli
La prof. Alessandra Pelagalli si è laureata a Napoli in Farmacia nel 1993 e ha conseguito il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Farmacologia e Tossicologia Veterinaria nel 1997.
Dal 1999 a giugno 2022 ha ricoperto il ruolo di ricercatore universitario a tempo indeterminato (RU) prima presso il Dipartimento di Strutture Funzioni e Tecnologie Biologiche – Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria di Napoli e dal 2012 presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche Avanzate dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.
Dal giugno 2022 è stata nominata professore Associato di Fisiologia Veterinaria Animale in servizio presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche Avanzate dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.
2000-2012: The scientific activity of Prof. Alessandra Pelagalli has been mainly addressed to the functional characterization of platelets from domestic animal species and to the evaluation of the possible use of Platelet rich Plasma (PRP) and platelet gel in the tissue regenerative therapy in domestic animals. In addition, other research interests were aimed to investigate on the role of colostrum enzymes in relation to the passive immunity in newborn of ruminants.
2013- up to now: During this period Prof. Alessandra Pelagalli focused her research interest on the role of the proteins Aquaporins (AQPs) in the intestine function related to colostrum assumption by newborns of ruminants. Other research interests are: 1) Functional characterization of both human and animal mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs); 2) analysis of cross-talk mechanisms between MSCs and cancer cells; 3) Role of orexins and AQPs in the canine male reproductive tract.
As part of the investigation on animal platelet function, Dr. Pelagalli has been scientific responsible for research projects funded by various institutions (University of Naples Federico II, MIUR, Ministry of Health) and is the author of about 57 publications in high-impact scientific journals subject to peer-review, with a total h-index of 17 (source Scopus).
In particular, the funded projects are the following:
2000-2001 “Aggregation and adhesion studies in different animal species and evaluation of the effects of natural peptides containing the RGD sequence” financed by University of Naples Federico II
2001-2003 “Characterization of physiologic, biochemical and pharmacological aspects of platelet function in different animal species” financed by National Research Council (CNR)
2005 al 2007 “Innovative methodology for the study of platelet dysfunction in course of Leishmaniosis, Ehrlichiosis and mixed infection in dog (PRIN 2005)
1. Squillacioti C., Mirabella N., Liguori G., Germano G., Pelagalli A.
Aquaporins are differentially regulated in canine cryptorchid efferent ductules and epididymis.
Animals 2021, 11, 1539.
2. Zannetti A., Benga G., Brunetti A., Napolitano F., Avallone L., Pelagalli A.
Role of Aquaporins in the physiological functions of mesenchymal stem cells.
Cells, 2020, 9(12) 48.
3. Assisi, L., Pelagalli, A., Squillacioti, C., Liguori, G., Mirabella N.
Orexin A modulation on reproductive activities in the testis of normal and cryptorchid dogs: a possible model for the study relationship between energy metabolism and processes controlling reproduction.
Front. Endocrinol., 2019, 10:816.
4. Pelagalli A, Nardelli A, Lucarelli E, Zannetti A, Brunetti A.
Autocrine signals increase Ovine Mesenchymal Stem Cells migration through Aquaporin-1 and CXCR4 overexpression.
J. Cell Physiol. 2018, 233(8):6241-6249.
5. Squillacioti C., De Luca A., Pero M. E., Lombardi P., Vassalotti G., Avallone L., Mirabella N., Pelagalli A.
Effect of colostrum and milk on small intestine expression of AQP4 and AQP5 in newborn buffalo calves.
Research in Veterinary Science 2015, 103 (2015) 149–155
Complete list of published works