
Focus on Antibody Deficiency

Il 2 e il 3 maggio si terrà nell'Auditorium CEINGE il convegno dal titolo “Focus on Antibody Deficiency”, rivolto a 100 partecipanti, 30 Biologi e 70 Medici Chirurghi in possesso della specializzazione in Allergologia ed immunologia clinica, Ematologia, Gastroenterologia, Genetica medica, Malattie dell’apparato respiratorio, Malattie infettive, Medicina interna, Oncologia , Anatomia patologica, Laboratorio di genetica medica, Patologia clinica (laboratorio di analisi chimico-cliniche e microbiologia), Medicina generale (medici di famiglia). Per iscrizioni


Chair Prof. Gianni Marone

Scientific Chairman Prof. Giuseppe Spadaro


Scientific Committee

Prof. Arturo Genovese

Prof. Amato de Paulis

Dott. Antonio Pecoraro

Dott.ssa Ludovica Crescenzi


Primary antibody deficiency (PAD) is a heterogeneous group of primary immunodeficiencies characterized by absent or impaired B-cell maturation and/or antibody production. Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is the most frequent symptomatic antibody deficiency diagnosed in adulthood. CVID represents an “umbrella diagnosis” rather than a single diagnostic entity, gathering a wide range of primary humoral defects characterized by reduced serum levels of IgG, IgA, and/or IgM, with impaired antibody production in response to pathogens.

The mainstay of therapy of PAD is immunoglobulin replacement therapy (IgRT) that has proven, over the past four decades, to reduce significantly the burden of infections and improve the outcome of PAD patients. However, IgRT appears to be not effective in the prevention or treatment of the non-infectious complications. These include autoimmunity, interstitial lung disease, granulomatous disease, gastrointestinal inflammatory disease, lymphoid hyperplasia, liver disease, cancer and lymphoma. Non-infectious complications may sometimes precede the clinical onset of established immunodeficiency. Therefore, these patients are often referred to other specialists (i.e., haematologists, rheumatologists, oncologists, gastroenterologists, pneumologists) rather than to an Immunodeficiency Center, making diagnosis more challenging. This is an important issue, since undiagnosed and untreated immunodeficiencies may result in organ damage (i.e. bronchiectasis and/or liver disease). The clinical strategies to improve CVID diagnosis include educational programs and recently introduced laboratory screening protocols.

Therefore, the main goal of this event is both to improve awareness and education of antibody deficiency and to shed the light on the clinical and immunological characterization, the pathogenesis and the treatment advances of complications of antibody deficiency.

Via Gaetano Salvatore, 486 - 80145 - Napoli - NA